The beginning was a barren land, but with the ambition and efforts of the officials represented by the Dean of the University College of Ashur, this deaf land turned into an edifice that speaks life through the movement of mechanisms, engineers and workers in building the scientific edifice that befits Iraq (the country of civilization), to start rising little by little and translate the design of the engineer (Anne Smari Ibrahim) On the ground, which excelled in adding its beautiful artistic touch by designing a wonderful monument that decorated the facade of the college.
This creativity stems from the ambition of young people and their insistence to be a symbol of the explosive energies in our dear country, and through the follow-up of the officials of the new Ashur University College complex, who have taken a pledge that the academic year 2023/2022 will be in the new location at Muthanna Airport. The new site of Ashur University College at Muthanna Airport is an extension of the development witnessed by the college in its current location in the Waziriyah area, which includes the scientific and human departments..
1- Department of Dentistry.
2- Department of Pharmacy.
3- Medical Laboratory Techniques Department.
4- Dental Industry Techniques Department.
5- Medical Devices Technologies Engineering Department.
6- Department of Biomedical Engineering.
7- Civil Engineering Department.
8- Law Department.
9 - Department of Business Administration.
10- Department of Islamic Sciences.
In addition to the sections that have been created for the next year..
1- Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.
2- Accounting department.
The complex also includes the teaching hospital building, which contains 300 beds.
Congratulations to the Dean of the College, its teachers, its affiliates, and its students, for this achievement that everyone will be proud of. Our date this year, God willing, is in the new campus of Ashur University College.