Transparent principle statistics
# Core 2022 2021 2020
1 Total Number of Students 2535 1652 943
2 Number of Students/Males 1180 760 391
3 Number of Students/Females 1355 892 552
4 Number of In-Province Students 2335 1502 813
5 Number of off-Province Students 200 150 130
6 Number of International Students
7 Total Number of Admitted Students 883 710 515
8 Number of Current Students 2535 1652 943
9 Total Number of Graduate Students 85
10 Number of Graduates/Males 25
11 Number of Graduates/Females 60
12 Total Number of Tutors 216 168 100
13 Number of Tutors/Males 107 82 45
14 Number of Tutors/Females 109 86 55
15 Number of Tutors with Permanent Positions 152 140 87
16 Number of Lecturing Tutors 45 25 10
17 Number of Foreign Tutors 3 3 3
18 Student-to-Tutor Ratio 13 10 9
19 Student-to-Tutor Ratio/Prof.Dr. 195 165 117
20 Student-to-Tutor ratio/Prof. 1267 826 471
21 Student-to-Tutor Ratio/Asst.Prof.Dr. 362 330 117
22 Student-to-Tutor Ratio/Asst.Prof.
23 Student-to-Tutor ratio/Asst.Dr. 75 72 52
24 Student-to-Tutor Ratio/Lec. 2535 1652 943
25 Student-to-Tutor ratio/Asst.Lec. 27 12 12
26 Order of University in the National Ranking
27 Order of University in the International Ranking Accredited by the Ministry
28 Number of Students at the ages 18 and below 59 614 52
29 Number of Students at the ages 19-20 and below 766 583 490
30 Number of Students at the ages 21-23 1154 300 295
31 Number of Students at the ages 24-29 423 88 75
32 Number of Students at the ages 30-39 96 47 20
33 Number of Students at the ages 40+ 37 20 11
34 Number of Technical Teams 25 23 22
35 RUR University Ranking 60
36 The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
Total Number of Tutors
Number of Tutors Males/Famale
2020        2021        2022       
Number of teachers male/famale 2022
Number of teachers male/famale 2021
Number of teachers male/famale 2020
Total Number of Students
Number of students male/female
2020        2021        2022       
Number of teachers male/female
# male female all
2022 107 109 216
2021 82 86 168
2020 45 55 100
Number of students male/female
# male female all
2022 1180 1355 2535
2021 760 892 1652
2020 391 552 943
Number of teachers
# Permanent Positions Lecturing Tutors Foreign Tutors
2022 152 45 3
2021 140 25 3
2020 87 10 3
Number of students according to Province
# In-Province Off-Province International
2022 2335 200
2021 1502 150
2020 813 130